Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer Swim Team

Carson and Sully are swimming with the Shadowmoss Sharks. This is Sully's first year and everyone at the pool was pretty pumped to see him swim his first event - the 25 Free. Last week he received the "swim of the meet" award for taking 30 seconds off his 25 Back! He's taking his early success in stride though. In fact, for him, its ALL about the nachos at the end of the race!

One Month later and I'm finally adding content. This summer's been crazy so far but what's new? We've been hitting the pool as often as possible to try to stay cool. Taking the triplets to the pool everyday also means no need for showers when we get home! Thank God for chlorine. I've included some pictures. Enjoy!

Yes, Collin's bellybutton is BLUE. No matter where we hide the permanent markers Collin finds them. He's into CAVEMAN art, especially on the couches, wash machine, cat, body parts....