Sunday, October 26, 2008

Carson's Halloween Party

Carson Savannah invited some of her ghoulish goblin friends over Saturday for a pre-Halloween Bash. Thank goodness everyone's parents had an SUV or truck to get them through the high water that hit much of Chucktown Friday including much of the West Ashley area. Apples were bobbed, haunted mansions were made, and pizza snakes were baked. The evening ended with some marshmallow roasting and a great game of Goblin Tag (kick-the-can with no can). Thanks to LaLa the fortune teller and Lee the fire builder. Bumbum would be proud of your ability to coax a fire out of damp wood. No one will mention the fat lighter! Boo ya'll!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Fire Fest

First Fire Fest 2008 was deemed a success. The Fall Fire Season officially started last night with good friends and freshly split wood, hickory and red oak. Thank goodness Bum Bum the fire starter showed up and got things going.

Jimmy, the traditionalist, forewent the fat lighter and went with the small twig methods. Thank goodness there was a structurally correct fire-frame of hickory to compliment his magic.
Note to other Kin: There will be other fires including the First Family Fire Fest and since some of you were returning to the good ole US of A, we did not think a 3 hour trip would bring you great pleasure! I'm sure your backyard was kicking too!