Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back To School

Tough to take back to school pictures when you're still asleep. Sully's bus leaves at 7:10 am and Carson's leaves at 8:15 am. Guess which one I handle? I'm no sure why but the kids love riding the bus. Sully wants to ride it even when Lynne has to go to school anyways? What's up with that?

Sully's first day went well. He was a little worried when he came home about having to write in his journal the next day. I said, "Hey Diesel, don't worry. You've got all kinds of things to write about. There's no way to get it wrong. You get to put your thoughts on paper. Be creative and put down what you want." Great advice. Then he says, "Dad, there's a problem. I can't write." Oh yeah first grade. I forgot. "Sully, that's okay. They'll let you draw a picture." Not the best save. Lynne now is officially handling all academic advice for the early years.

His week got tougher when he had to confess his recess activity on Day 2. Poor guy got busted telling his sister what he was doing and Lynne overheard it. I knew I was in trouble when Lynne whispered to me, "you can't laugh until he's 16." Seems Sully was hanging out under the sliding board so he could see what the girls were wearing under their dresses. Wow - who's genetic contribution is responsible for that? I hugged him because he was sobbing and asked him if he was "curious"? He said he was and deep down I wanted to give him a high-five, but I told him being curious is okay but coping a look under the slide wasn't the way to go about it. The wisdom flows.

The triplets are in Lynne's class for the next year. She has a song she sings with her class each morning that typifies the boy's personalities. The song starts, "Good morning, good morning, something something something, then she goes around the circle and each kid says their name and the morning________." Hey, they're only 4. class says, "GoodWell, when the circle got to Cooper, he blushed, put his head down and swayed back and forth giving a warm, but slightly shy greeting. Keegan was next. He dropped to the floor with his forehead on the carpet and booty in the air, held it for a few seconds and did a forward role. Goofy but cute. Collin was next and when the class said "good morning" to him he pulled out two helicopters from his pockets, pretended they were guns, and shot everyone in the room. Wow.

Carson did great at her new Middle School. I was a little more nervous than her but she had a great day. Middle I old enough to have a child at St. Andrew's Middle School? She did get a warning on the first day. Some teacher said her pants were too tight. Carson with tight pants? If that teacher keeps it up we may just have to tell Collin.

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